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Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust, where it makes up about 8% of the crust by weight, and there is no other metal compared to its versatility.

Aluminum offers a versatile combination of properties, making it a popular choice for numerous industrial and commercial applications where lightweight, corrosion resistance, strength, and formability are essential requirements.

Additionally, Aluminium is a good conductor of heat and electricity, which makes it a good choice for applications that require good thermal or electrical conductivity.

1050 Grade

Aluminium 1050 is a commercially pure grade of aluminum with a minimum purity of 99.5%. It belongs to the 1000 series of aluminum alloys and is characterised by its excellent formability, high corrosion resistance, and good electrical conductivity. It is a versatile and cost-effective grade of aluminum suitable for a wide range of applications where formability, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity are important considerations.

Aluminium 1050 finds applications in various industries including automotive, electrical, construction, packaging, and consumer goods. It is commonly used for applications such as roofing, cladding, signage, lighting fixtures, kitchenware, and utensils, among others.


5083 Grade

Aluminium 5083 is a widely used alloy known for its excellent combination of strength, corrosion resistance, and weldability. It belongs to the 5000 series of aluminum alloys, which are characterised by their magnesium content. It is a versatile alloy with a wide range of applications, particularly in industries where high strength, corrosion resistance, and weldability are essential requirements.

Aluminium 5083 is widely used in the marine, aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. Common applications include shipbuilding, boat hulls, pressure vessels, structural components, automotive parts, and architectural panels.

6082 Grade

Aluminium 6082 is a widely used alloy known for its excellent combination of strength, corrosion resistance, and machinability. It belongs to the 6000 series of aluminum alloys, which are characterised by their magnesium and silicon content. It is a versatile alloy with a wide range of applications, particularly in industries where high strength, machinability, and moderate corrosion resistance are important considerations.

Aluminium 6082 is widely used in the automotive, aerospace, construction, and machinery industries. Common applications include structural components, automotive parts, scaffolding, bridges, and machine components.


Aluminium is widely used in various sectors and products due to its lightness, durability, functionality, and corrosion resistance. With its characteristics, Aluminium can be efficiently used in different industries including automotive, consumer goods, decorative applications and electrical products.


Aluminum is highly recyclable without losing its inherent properties, making aluminum plates an environmentally friendly choice.

aluminium red
data sheets

Aluminium Data Sheets
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